Flexible Ducting
We supply a wide range of flexible ducting such as Plastiflex, PU Flex, Metallic Flex, Regaduct Pak, insulated and uninsulated flexible ducting and accessories such as jubilee clips. Call us today for our competitive pricelist on 0116 2448151.
Available sizes
Lightweight flexible ducting constructed from grey coloured pvc coated glass-fibre fabric bonded to a pvc coated spring steel wire bonded to a pvc coated spring steel wire helix.
Suitable for ventilation, air conditioning and fume extraction systems.
Fire resistance: Complies with the requirements of BS476 Parts 6,7 & 8.
Jubilee clips
Aluminium flex
An exceptionally flexible reinforced aluminium flexible ducting constructed from a multi-ply aluminum and polyester laminate supported by a high tensile steel wire helix.
Available in plain and insulated types.
Fire resistance: Complies with the requirements of BS476 Parts 6, 7 & 20.
To place an order, or if you need help selecting your required products, contact our specialist team.
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0116 2448151